You can't spell hero without "HR"

HR is her passion

Sophie is a bachelor student in her final year Office Management at PXL. She has chosen for the major Human Resources (HR), because she enjoys the social contact. As the last part of her education, she did a 3-month internship at JIDOKA.

During her internship she supported the HR Officer and the Office Assistant of JIDOKA. 

How did she find JIDOKA?

JIDOKA came up with the idea of having a student investigate 360° feedback and Sophie was very interested in doing this research. So it happened that JIDOKA not only became her partner for the research , but also the company where she could do her internship.

Bachelor thesis 360° feedback

Together with a fellow student, Sophie investigated what 360° feedback is and whether it can be applied at JIDOKA to enforce the coaching and feedback process that’s already in place. Sophie and her fellow student also investigated which tools are available on the market to actively and efficiently apply 360° feedback.

If research shows that 360° feedback is not the right solution, JIDOKA will look for alternatives. After the students have processed all the information, Sophie and her fellow student will give a presentation about all the information they have acquired.

Sophie’s story

My first month at JIDOKA

On the first day of my internship, I was very warmly welcomed by the whole team of JIDOKA.

By mail I had already received some tasks and could start immediately. Every beginning is hard, but after 3 days I felt completely part of the team. 

During my first month at JIDOKA I have been able to accomplish many different tasks. I supported Paula in HR and have already attended some job interviews. I made sure all HR related documents remained up-to-date and I did research to support several ongoing HR projects. So my list of tasks over the past months was very varied.

On Thursday 28 February I also attended my first quarterly meeting of JIDOKA. This was certainly a nice experience and I also got to know the other colleagues who work in the office in Mechelen.

Friday 5th April 2019

Today is already my last day of internship before the Easter holiday and I would like to review the past few weeks. In the meantime we are 7 weeks far and I’m more than halfway through. During these 7 weeks I have been able to do many different tasks. The most fun task was designing a powerpoint for the quiz ‘the smartest JIDOKAN of the world’. This internship gives me a perfect overview of what a management assistant and an HR Officer need to do. This allows me to decide which job I like the most and which job I would like to do after graduation.

My bachelor thesis is going well. Most of our bachelor thesis has already been written. In the early afternoon of 5 April, we received an information session from KBC, they use a new method of giving feedback. We will also incorporate this method in our bachelor thesis. On Friday the 10th of May we have an information session and from that moment on we can start to finish our bachelor thesis.

Thursday 23rd May 2019

Tomorrow is my last internship day at JIDOKA. I learned a lot during my internship. Thanks to the varied job responsibilities Paula and Karen gave me, I now have a clear overview of what an HR Officer and an Office Assistant have to do. After 3 years of theory, it was very nice to see everything in practice. I would therefore like to thank everyone at JIDOKA for welcoming me into the team as a real colleague and not as a trainee. 

Trainees who are studying the same subject as me, I certainly recommend an internship at JIDOKA. You will end up in a nice, dynamic team and you will be given a lot of responsibilities and a large variety of tasks. I would like to thank Karen and Paula once more. Thanks to them, I’m completely prepared for my first work experience in HR.

Our bachelor thesis is also going in the right direction. My fellow student and I have arrived at the last part, in particular writing the conclusion of our research. On Wednesday the 12th of June we will defend our bachelor thesis and on Friday the 14th of June we will inform JIDOKA and Bellux Cosmetics about our research. #jobcompleted

Are you still looking for a fun internship? Find the JIDOKA internship topics by following this link or send them an email via

Internships are a great way to jumpstart your career while you are still in the process of completing your education. At JIDOKA we will give you the support and the opportunities you deserve in order to expand your competences in the exciting world of Information Technology.

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